Revolutionary Custom Wheel Service

We had a look at the current market and figured out what our biggest pain point was to buying forged wheels. 

It was the cost.

Who wants to shell out large sums of cash and wait months for something that may or may not fit? Custom and yet I am not sure what it looks like?

In our research we thought long and hard on how we could revolutionise the industry. It was simple, bring back customer service.

Let's talk to our customers.

Let's find out what they want.

Let's develop a relationships with them.

Let's go on a journey together.

FMW Process

To support us on this journey, we have decided to break up the payments for the wheels on a step by step basis.

We will provide you a service and an outcome for each step of the way. To make sure you know where each dollar has been spent and to get something out of it.

Join us and discover an easier way to purchase the customer wheels of your dreams.

Head over to to start your journey.

Start your journey

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